English (4) app (1) career (1) dev (1) education (1) idea (4) life (4) postmortem (1) review (2) typescript (1) 생각 (1)

 English (4)

Review English in february
Review English in January
What is speaking
How to learn English.

 app (1)


 career (1)

독일에서 이직하고 6개월이 지난 시점에 써보는 글.

 dev (1)

What is difference Type Assertion and TypeCasting in Typescript?

 education (1)

Idea about children's eductions.

 idea (4)

post mortem
독일이 잘하고 있는 것.
Idea about children's eductions.

 life (4)

독일이 잘하고 있는 것.
Idea about children's eductions.
review for 2019, new year resolution 2020
My first dev blog post

 postmortem (1)

post mortem

 review (2)

review for 2019, new year resolution 2020

 typescript (1)

What is difference Type Assertion and TypeCasting in Typescript?

 생각 (1)

Idea about children's eductions.