Idea about children's eductions.

예전부터 아이들 교육에 대해 생각을 해오다가 최근에 공통적인 관심사를 갖고 있는 분들(상홍형, 병대형, 경진이)과 아이들 교육에 대한 얘기를 해보고, 생각정리도 해보고 해서 그 생각의 흔적을 남겨본다. [Read More]

What is speaking

As I’ve written multiple times before on this blog, I am currently focusing on speaking English. To be as fluent as I want to be, I should define what is fluent speaking in my mind. Naturally, I’ve never heard that my Korean is fluent. We usually say this to those... [Read More]
Tags: English

How to learn English.

3 months ago, I started a new job. I need to improve my English (especially speaking) because the new company consists of colleagues speaking English. [Read More]
Tags: English